Beautiful. All the Time, in Every Way.
Yesterday something marvelous happened, and I just have to share. At almost 38 weeks pregnant with number 2, you can imagine I've heard many comments, from friends, coworkers and strangers alike. If you've ever been pregnant, you know the drill. It goes something like this:
"Wow, you look like you're about to pop!! Any day now?"
"You look so good, you can't even tell you're pregnant from behind." (Well, surely I'm not trying to hide it???)
"It looks like someone shoved a basketball under your shirt."
"The way you're carrying totally says boy (or girl)."
"Wow, you're looking pretty pregnant!"
"Look at that pregnant b!$@#!" (Overheard in passing, while wearing a bikini at 8 months pregnant, so maybe I had that one coming?)
"Whoa, your belly is big."
"You're all belly, you don't even look pregnant anywhere else."
"You're so tiny."
We know they all mean well, or in some cases, completely lack manners. But I can guarantee, if you've been pregnant, you've likely heard a combination and variation of what's above. I know at some point it becomes obvious that a woman is pregnant. But it's not like we forget and need the reminder. The point is, people will likely continue making comments about your state of pregnancy, until, well.... I'm not really sure when they may stop. But yesterday, something happened and I wanted to share. I try very hard not to make comments like this at all, because it doesn't benefit anyone and could very well make the woman uncomfortable (you should hear the responses I come up with in my head to some of the comments I've gotten), but if you feel the need to say something, consider this.
I was at the park, pushing Blake in a swing. A young girl ran over, her mom close behind. As we stood there pushing our daughters, she said something like, "your belly is very beautiful." Now, I can't remember if those were her exact words, but it was something as simple as that. Something simple that didn't make me feel weird. Something simple that I didn't feel the need to justify. Or explain and rationalize. I could simply say, thank you, and really mean it. What woman doesn't want to hear they are beautiful? It was probably one of the most flattering things anyone has ever said to me while pregnant. I didn't catch her name. We chatted a bit more and then Blake wanted to head over to the slides.
But seriously guys and gals. If you take away anything from the variety of things you've learned today, take away this. Pregnant women don't need a description or commentary of what you think they look like at various stages of their 40 week (+|-) journey. We know. We are living it. Try something new, and give them a simple compliment like that woman did for me at the park. It will likely make them smile the rest of the day (heck, maybe even the rest of the week), and remind them that what they are going through is more than just a physical body transformation. It is more than a size, shape, or number. We are creating a human life, and that my friends, is a very beautiful thing.
Below are some images of lovely women, rocking a beautiful baby bump and growing a precious life inside.
If you want to join this movement, send your favorite pregnancy photo my way and I will gladly add to this collection.