30 Weeks and House Projects
Sometimes when it's late, and everyone else has gone to sleep, I start to question whether I should go to sleep at all. The house is so still and quiet, and in those moments my growing to-do list starts screaming, oh so loudly. I start to ponder the things I could accomplish and finish, and how great that would feel. But thankfully my sanity has always kicked in before I do anything THAT stupid crazy. Because that would be both stupid AND crazy. Even now, I know I should be sleeping instead of typing. Of course I'll regret the late bedtime in the morning, but for now I am enjoying the quiet. Well the quiet, and the many, many little baby kicks and rolls happening in my belly.
This little one has been cooking for 30 weeks already. That means only 10ish to go. Some days it feels like I've been pregnant forever, but others I so clearly remember seeing a faint line on a dollar store pregnancy test and thinking, no way, no way is that a positive. And then asking Matt, do you see anything here in this little space? And he answered something like, "Yeah, a faint line. What does that mean?"
Eeek!!!! That's what that means. The 'real' test the next morning confirmed my suspicion and the rest is history. It's so interesting, having gone through one and a half pregnancies so far in a two year span. Some of the worries and fears remain the same. Some of them are new with baby #2. The excitement differs, as it is familiar and not completely unknown. I now have a general sense of how your heart explodes when you meet your baby for the first time, but also how that love changes and evolves as the days and weeks go by. And boy does it grow. I'll be curious how that continues when this second baby joins us. Just when you think your heart can't grow anymore, it does.
This is a couple weeks ago, at 27 weeks, but the bump is still looking the same, just bigger.
This pregnancy has been different in many ways. Similar, but also very different. Before when I was tired or feeling worn down, I could take a break, kick back, nap. The options seemed endless. Now, when I'm tired, I might get a quick second of rest before I'm back to chasing after a very energetic toddler. I feel like the message to all first time moms should be, don't take your 'free time' for granted. Because first, you don't ever really have free time again, and second, life with a child is wonderfully busy! And it doesn't slow down because you get pregnant!
We haven't even started prepping the new nursery yet. In the past, this room has been used as a guest room, storage room, holding room and more. If it involves stuff sitting around; that is this room. I've slowly started getting rid of its contents because we really don't have any extra storage space in our house for the things in this room. Once I can get it cleaned out, we will be painting, adding trim (something we never finished when we bought our house over four years ago), adding a closet organizer and closet doors. I already have the paint colors picked out, just need to clear the space (easier said than done, as I'm sure many of you could agree). It is a slow process, and I know the longer I wait, the harder it will be for me to maneuver around. At least the baby sleeps in our room for the first six months or so, just in case we can't get it together in time, or this little one decides to come early!
Speaking of house projects, we finally updated our living room wall! We've had a number of frames sitting around (as I mentioned months ago), and on this last rainy Saturday morning, we got them all hung! The wall isn't finished just yet, however. I still have to paint a couple frames black and we will be collecting a few more things to add, but at least we hung what we have in the house and for that I'm super grateful. It always feels so good to get something checked off the list.
Still 'in progress' to some degree, but looking SO much better than before! And no more frames laying around!